Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi
Samuele Bacchiocchi
Friends of the Sabbath sponsor a three-day conference in San Antonio, Texas. The conference, held in December and called Jubilee 95, features Andrews University professor Sam Bacchiocchi. He presents for the first time his recent research showing the Biblical Holy Days have meaning for us today and therefore should be kept by Christians. Sam's appearance is noteworthy in that he is a Seventh-Day Adventist, teaching at an SDA school, but offering his research first to mostly non-SDA people promoting a doctrine his church does not believe in.

This conference is also special in that it attracts and showcases a unique variety of COG brethren. Church leaders and members from large organizations, home fellowships, small outreaches, those who are "independent," those who believe in a top-down church government and so on come to San Antonio. Speakers and panel members include Gerald AustCalvin Burrell (head of CG7 Denver),  Ronald Dart,  Norman Edwards,  Jim Franks,  Earnest Martin,  John Merritt,  Peter Nathan,  Richard Nickels,  Alan Ruth,  Larry Salyer,  John Sash,  Herb Solinsky,  Greg Walburn,  Larry Walker and Donald Ward.